Saturday, March 17, 2012

Let it Be

I look at my past with fondness, and I look toward my future with hope. I won't stop smiling just because other people can't. I'm happy.

Of course, there are still moments that come at me like a bull on steroids. The moment were your ex sister-in-law unfriends you on a social network? First I get mad because all I ever wanted for her was happiness and she went down a similar path I did. But when it comes to my happiness she appears to not give two shits. Then I get sad because she was at one point one of my greatest friends. But, like so many things in the past few months, I eventually become okay again.

Sometimes I wish I weren't so strong because sometimes I do just want to fall to pieces. But I am living the way I think I should be, and I know that there is nothing wrong with what I'm doing. People get hurt, but they will be okay.

1 comment:

  1. Never wish you weren't strong. Being strong is the best thing anyone can be and what makes you, you! LOVE YOU!
